Sunday, October 31, 2010

Karma and ?

           Hello to my classmates, i wanted to do something different today. I am not sure who follows my blog, but i was interested to know how they feel about karma. Do anyone of you believe in other such topics besides karma? I know myself growing up that i viewed everything around me differently; i was different. It was hard for know looking back, knowing now that i was right for feeling the way i did. I strange now, when my best friend introduces me to her friends, they see it to; but they cant explain why. It is strange at times, they always have the same comment. And i quote "i have never meet anyone like evelyn, im glad to have a friend like her in my like", end quote. Sorry to cut this short, but i am tired and i want to go to sleep now.


  1. I don't know what I believe. Just when I think that I've got it all figured out, something happens in my life, that forces me to realize, I had it all wrong.
