Sunday, September 26, 2010


                      Ive been researching karma on the websites. There is so much information on the subject, that there is many different avenues i can explore. I wonder if there is a link between someone being very intuitive and karma. And what about those who experence deja vue. Is it possible that there might be somehow all connected. I guess anything is possible. I will have to defiantly have to do more research. Im not sure where the research will take me, or where it will lead to. But im exciited to find out.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

karma and relationships

      I believe there is a connection between karma and relationships. I also  know there are people who think, or believe in love at first sight, but where does karma come in. Well, i had gone with my friend to the mall, and we ran into a friend of hers, whom she introduce me to. I knew i would see him again (but i didnt knew when or where). Almost a year later, i had ran into him again at applebees. There was an instant attraction that we both felt. What we shared was a bond, chemistry(not love), a connection we cant explain. That was four years ago, and the bond is stronger than ever. We have,what i know as good karma.
                 Hinduism and Buddhism believe karma is the part of our conditions that represents unfinished business and other residues from the pass. Do you believe in good karma or bad karma?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What is karma

Well, while i post this question, to my classmates. I too have questions about the real orgin of karma. You might even say i was curious. As i explore the different websites, im overwhelm of the many definitions of karma. Where does the word karma come from? As im reading about the subject, i realized there is so much information. Hinduism and buddhism, believe that karmsa is the effect of a persons actions. But theres also the Law of Karma and what i believe karma to be. Which is Good Karma Bad Karma. What do you believe karma is?

Friday, September 17, 2010


Wow! this should be a very interesting subject.  Does karma really exist?  Do people really believe in Karma, I do.  I have asked this question to my fellow coworkes and friends and most of  them believe karma as "what goes around comes around". The karma I believe in is a bond, a chemistry, a connection of two people.  Is it possible to meet someone and have a connection,  to have karma?