Sunday, October 3, 2010


              I thought there might have been a link between karma, deja vu in connection with being intuitive. I have not yet found a link, but maybe being intuitive is just having another; well lets just say skill for now. So what is intuititive, and what does it mean to be  cana intuitive person? From my experience, i can say its great. I have always been intuitive, ever since i can remember. And for me now; i still listen to my intuition. There has been times when i have gone against my intuition, and have had regrets.
              I remember, i was sleeping on the coach, and my brother and his wife were in the bedroom next door. It was morning, and i had gotten up from the coach, and as i was standing there, i was looking at the clock on the wall; as my brother was walking towards the kitchen. As he was passing me, he saw my reaction as i was looking at the clock, i had glance over at him and then back to the clock. I didnt know why at the time.
              Later that afternoon, i took a nap to get ready to work the night shift, which was 3pm to close at mcdonalds. As i woke from my nap, i was shock to foun d that i have had the same dream earlier. My only thought was "why was someone in my family, not going to be home when they are surpose to be." When i got home later that night, i was shocked to learn that my sister-law was in a car accident. Thank
god she had survived, of course the next day i had told her of the dream i had. I had wish i had told her earlier, and so did she.
                Now i always listen to my intuition, and of course my friends always call for my advice. They know first hand how intuitive i am; they had always said that they never meet anyone like me and that i was different (someone special). There are time when someone comes into your life, that you cant image them, not being in your life, as i had been told many times. As far as my brother, i had never told him of my dream, i think because women are more open minded.

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