Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Karma and ?

           So many of us have no idea what it is like to be in love. To meet someone you have an instant connection with is rear. Other people on the other hand, have this idea, that having a connection with someone, means that the other person they are attracted to,want more than they are ready to offer. Instead of embracing that connection they would rather, for the most part let them go.Until one day they realize that, the the decison to let them go was the wrong choice. Do you believe in giving someone a second chance?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Karma and the Holidays

           The holidays starting from thanksgiving up to the new year are always the hardest for me. I have a connection with a guy, that im  not sure weather im still in love with. There is such a strong bond and also karma. It is always hard to be along doing the holidays, But should i or people in general be with someone for the wrong reasons.Or should they just let them go and move one, most people know this to be true "Loving someone meaning having to let them go".

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Karma and ?

           Hello to my classmates, i wanted to do something different today. I am not sure who follows my blog, but i was interested to know how they feel about karma. Do anyone of you believe in other such topics besides karma? I know myself growing up that i viewed everything around me differently; i was different. It was hard for know looking back, knowing now that i was right for feeling the way i did. I strange now, when my best friend introduces me to her friends, they see it to; but they cant explain why. It is strange at times, they always have the same comment. And i quote "i have never meet anyone like evelyn, im glad to have a friend like her in my like", end quote. Sorry to cut this short, but i am tired and i want to go to sleep now.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

hinduism, buddhism and reincardnation

   Does anyone believe in reincardnation? Does it really exist? I have a theroy on this subjet, actually i have been thinking about this for a while. And it has to do with a fear i have, i wont go into details right now. I will have to do further research. But, as for my previous subjects, i do remember reading that hinduism and buddhism believe in reincardination. I will have to get back to you, about this topic; need to be more prepared.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


           We have all been in a long term relationship at one time or another. We really don't know why some realionships ends while others last. For some of us, there is an instant connection, a chemistry a bond. A feeling that both partys feel,but are not exactly sure what those feelings are. Those types of feelings are rare; it takes two people who both have strong karmas to feel that way. Their are a few people in this lifeime who are lucky enough to have gone through this experince.
           It is all about having good karma, and knowing that the two partys know it is beyond a phyiscal attraction, But also the fact that if the two partys ever depart and go their seperate ways. They will always have that connection, no matter who they end up with. Its all about karma.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Karma and ?

           I am not really sure what my next topic will be, but i am leaning more towards karma and relationships. I want to explore the many aspects of dealing with our connections with one another. Also does chemistry and having a strong bond make for a stronger attraction. What or should i say how does karma play a role.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Karma Yoga

           Has anyone ever heard of karma yoga? Maybe yoga in general; i have. I have always wanted to try yoga, i know i few people who actually have; they love it. But, they are so many types of yoga, how do you know which one is best for you. Where do you start, i mean yoga is indeed good for the mind body and soul. With the many benefits of yoga; who wouldnt want to live a healthier lifestyle.
            Karma means "action"  and  karma yoga "discipline of action" which  is  based on the teachings of the hinduism. It is the path of achieving perfection in action. It is also the path of doing the right thing and  beleving in their destinies.                        

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Karma and hindhism

         As i do more  research on karma,  i am finding that there are many branches on this subject. For instance; karma yoga, which i have never heard of. But since i am intrigue, then this will be my next topic. For now though, i need to get back to my present topic. Anyway, karma in Hinduism and buddhism  is the same, in which they both believe that your present actions hold your future. But Hinduism, uses karma more though out thier religion. And also, as more of a way of life.
         I know that many people, are not always good all the time, and would not be able to follow the teachings of Hinduism and buddhism. One would certianly have to commit to always doing the right thing, because its the right thing to do. In other words; a selfless act, without want anything in return.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Karma and buddhism

            As i do more research on Karma, i have found that followers of Hinduism and Buddhism believe that Karma dictates the way their life will go. I was intrigued, to say the least, the way many religions live thier lifes and have their own beliefs. Lets take Buddhism for example; buddha have said that there is a series of causes that connects each life to the next. And that the way we led our lifes before, meaning our pervious lives, is what brings us to the way our current life is lived.
             Remember Karma is "action" and with that said, our acts that were done in our past lives, will of course carry over into our present lives and will led to all have our own destinies. It is only the process that says that the results from our actions, is what will carry in to or over the next life. This is what buddha have said, so my next topic will be Karma and hinduism.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


              I thought there might have been a link between karma, deja vu in connection with being intuitive. I have not yet found a link, but maybe being intuitive is just having another; well lets just say skill for now. So what is intuititive, and what does it mean to be  cana intuitive person? From my experience, i can say its great. I have always been intuitive, ever since i can remember. And for me now; i still listen to my intuition. There has been times when i have gone against my intuition, and have had regrets.
              I remember, i was sleeping on the coach, and my brother and his wife were in the bedroom next door. It was morning, and i had gotten up from the coach, and as i was standing there, i was looking at the clock on the wall; as my brother was walking towards the kitchen. As he was passing me, he saw my reaction as i was looking at the clock, i had glance over at him and then back to the clock. I didnt know why at the time.
              Later that afternoon, i took a nap to get ready to work the night shift, which was 3pm to close at mcdonalds. As i woke from my nap, i was shock to foun d that i have had the same dream earlier. My only thought was "why was someone in my family, not going to be home when they are surpose to be." When i got home later that night, i was shocked to learn that my sister-law was in a car accident. Thank
god she had survived, of course the next day i had told her of the dream i had. I had wish i had told her earlier, and so did she.
                Now i always listen to my intuition, and of course my friends always call for my advice. They know first hand how intuitive i am; they had always said that they never meet anyone like me and that i was different (someone special). There are time when someone comes into your life, that you cant image them, not being in your life, as i had been told many times. As far as my brother, i had never told him of my dream, i think because women are more open minded.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Phenomenon of deja vu

               Let me start out by saying, that i spelled deja vue wrong; its (deja vu). Anyway, i was very intrigued about the link between karma and deja vu. I went into the many websites and i really did not know where to start. I started reading and came upon a swiss scholar named Arthur Funkhouser, he suggests and i quote: that there are several deja vu experiences and asserts that in order to better study the phenomenon, the nuances between the experience need to be noted: end quote.
            I believe in karma and also deja vu, because i  myself have experixpernced both. There have been many times that i suddenly felt as if i have been in a spot before, or that i have the feeling that i already experenced the same thing. A feeling of familiarly that i believe is related to a past life experience.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
           The term 'deja vu' is french and mean, literally "already seen." Deja vu is feeling that you have experienced before; a reaction or event that has triggered an emotion in your subconscious. Since deja vu occurs in idividuals with and without a medical condition, there is much speculation to how and why this phenomenon happens.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


                      Ive been researching karma on the websites. There is so much information on the subject, that there is many different avenues i can explore. I wonder if there is a link between someone being very intuitive and karma. And what about those who experence deja vue. Is it possible that there might be somehow all connected. I guess anything is possible. I will have to defiantly have to do more research. Im not sure where the research will take me, or where it will lead to. But im exciited to find out.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

karma and relationships

      I believe there is a connection between karma and relationships. I also  know there are people who think, or believe in love at first sight, but where does karma come in. Well, i had gone with my friend to the mall, and we ran into a friend of hers, whom she introduce me to. I knew i would see him again (but i didnt knew when or where). Almost a year later, i had ran into him again at applebees. There was an instant attraction that we both felt. What we shared was a bond, chemistry(not love), a connection we cant explain. That was four years ago, and the bond is stronger than ever. We have,what i know as good karma.
                 Hinduism and Buddhism believe karma is the part of our conditions that represents unfinished business and other residues from the pass. Do you believe in good karma or bad karma?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What is karma

Well, while i post this question, to my classmates. I too have questions about the real orgin of karma. You might even say i was curious. As i explore the different websites, im overwhelm of the many definitions of karma. Where does the word karma come from? As im reading about the subject, i realized there is so much information. Hinduism and buddhism, believe that karmsa is the effect of a persons actions. But theres also the Law of Karma and what i believe karma to be. Which is Good Karma Bad Karma. What do you believe karma is?

Friday, September 17, 2010


Wow! this should be a very interesting subject.  Does karma really exist?  Do people really believe in Karma, I do.  I have asked this question to my fellow coworkes and friends and most of  them believe karma as "what goes around comes around". The karma I believe in is a bond, a chemistry, a connection of two people.  Is it possible to meet someone and have a connection,  to have karma?